The mission of the Traveling Guitar is it to fund music education and programs for those unable to pursue these activities due to limited resources. 


We have a two prong approach for raising funds in support of our mission:

1)  The Traveling Guitar Program: 

  1. Each year two guitars will be built by Ballurio Guitars. These guitars will be built using materials from our sponsor, Northland Forest Products.  Each stage of the build will be photographed and shared via the Traveling Guitar Website.
  2. Once built, the Guitar (the Traveling Guitar) will then spend the next year traveling around the country being play, signed and photographed by our Performing Sponsors.  Each stop will be photographed with photographs displayed on the Traveling Guitar Website.
  3. At the end of the Traveling Guitar's year of travel, the guitar will be prepared for auction and professionally setup by the Official, Traveling Guitar Tech at Crossroads Guitar Shop using the "State of the Art" PLEK PRO computer controlled fret dressing technology.
  4. All (100%) of the proceeds from the on-line auction price will be donated directly to music based charities.

2) Guitar Donation and Auction Program:

  1. All guitars donated, will have the setup checked and if needed, corrected by Crossroads Guitar Shop and will then be auctioned online (eBay).
  2. All (100%) of the proceeds from the auction price will be donated directly to the music based charities.

To contact us about a donation or sponsorship, please send e-mail to donations@travelingguitar.org or sponsors@travelingguitar.org.