January 18, 2009

OPEN LETTER To The Traveling Guitar Foundation:


Bayberry School

113 Bayberry Lane

Watchung, New Jersey 07069


Our Story

Several years ago, the General Music classroom at Valley View Middle School had become outdated and limited in its resources and student interest. With the gracious help from the Traveling Guitar Foundation, we are able to offer an exciting program inviting students to develop their creativity while fostering important learning in the areas of music history, theory, composition and technique. This wonderful gift will give over 340 students from the 5th grade through the 8th grade an opportunity to experience making music through learning how to play the guitar. From each of these experiences many students will begin taking private guitar and piano lessons. Providing these musical experiences helps to shape good citizenship and promotes continued support of the arts through our children. Supplying these valuable tools invokes musical creativity and keeps our students involved in community events. We recently formed a guitar club that meets weekly after school providing students with an outlet to pursue stronger interests. Through this club, students have the invaluable opportunity to work with other students from various grade levels. A great deal of inspirational learning occurs in this environment. Students choose music together and work towards a concert performance.

Our Goals

Many students have expressed strong interest in playing "electric and bass electric guitars." Our current objectives are to expand our program to include electric guitars and stock necessary items such as strings and required accessories like tuners, effects, and storage units to house equipment. By setting up storage and supply cabinets, we can maintain and service our guitars properly, an area where the Traveling Guitar Foundation will help greatly.


Current trends show that along with a traditional program, we should continue to foster student involvement in the arts by including music and instruments that attract student attention. The guitar whether it be acoustic or electric is the main instrument of choice for middle school aged children.


With the inclusion of both bass and regular electric guitars, we can also enhance concert performances by including drums, bass and electric guitars. Students from the guitar club can accompany the Choral Groups when performing "pop" related material. The one on one interaction between professional and

student from the Traveling Guitar Foundation gives inspiration to the children.


A Realistic Economy

Given the fact that our current economy limits our desired goals and dictates that we maintain only what is necessary to provide students education in the arts, purchasing this equipment and supplies remains only a strong desire toward our future goals. With the help of donations and supplies from The Traveling Guitar Foundation, we will realize these goals.


The Watchung School District would like to thank the founders Damon Marks and Keith Ballurio for considering us for their amazing music education donations. We are honored to be granted this opportunity to represent the Traveling Guitar Foundation.


Contact Information:
Keith Ballurio, co-founder of the Traveling Guitar
Manassas, Virginia

December 12, 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2009

In Keeping with the Season, the Traveling Guitar Program Auctions First Guitar for Charity 

Manassas, Virginia – December 12, 2009 – The Traveling Guitar Program has just listed its first guitar for auction on eBay (Listing). 
The auction is for a Lingo G2/4 Prototype donated by Keith Ballurio, owner of Ballurio Guitars. The auction is not only for the guitar, but also for the extensive package of accessories and guitar gear provided by the Program’s sponsors such as D’Addario, Planet Waves,and Premier Guitar ( ) and Guitar Edge magazines. The auction is a standard 7-day eBay auction with 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to charity. 

Keith Ballurio, co-founder of the Traveling Guitar, said, "I am thrilled to have a Ballurio Guitar be the first guitar auctioned to support this program. All the sponsors, D’Addario, Planet Waves, Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge Magazines, Crossroads Guitar Shop (, Rock Hard Road Cases (, and Northland Forest Products (, really stepped up to the plate making this a great kickoff for the Program. Although this guitar is not the “Traveler,” one of the two guitars built to travel around the country from artist to artist, it has done a little road time visiting Damon Marks and Bruce Kulick." 

About the Traveling Guitar ProgramAnnually, the Traveling Guitar Project ( sends two custom built guitars on a journey from artist to artist, state to state. The guitars are played and signed by guitarists from all music genres. After a year on the road, the guitars are auctioned on eBay with 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to fund music education and programs for those unable to pursue these activities due to limited resources. In addition to the “Traveler,” the Program also accepts donations of guitars for auction with 100 percent of the proceeds donated to charity. For more information on the journey and auctions of the Traveling Guitars, visit

Contact Information:
Keith Ballurio, co-founder of the Traveling Guitar
Manassas, Virginia


November 6, 2009


Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge Add Their Voices to the Traveling Guitar Program

Auction proceeds from program go to Music Based Programs and Charities.

MANASSAS, VA – November 6, 2009 – The Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge multimedia networks have teamed up with the Traveling Guitar Program to raise support and awareness on a global scale for the need of music education where resources are scarce. As sponsors of Traveling Guitar, Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge will be lending their global reach to more than 600,000 guitarists around the world to the program and its mission of improving access to music education.


Traveling Guitar has a two-pronged approach for raising funds in support of its mission:

The Traveling Guitar Program:

Annually, the Traveling Guitar Program sends two custom-built guitars on a journey from artist to artist, state to state, collecting stage time and autographs. At the end of their journey, the guitars are auctioned with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support charity.


Guitar Donation and Auction Program:

Donated guitars will be collected, have the setup checked and if needed, corrected. The guitars will then be auctioned online with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support the Make a Noise Foundation.


Both aspects of the Traveling Guitar Program will be substantially promoted by Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge and winners of the Traveling Guitar auction will receive a one-year subscription to each print magazine.


Keith Ballurio, founder of the Traveling Guitar, says, "The addition of Premier Guitar and Guitar Edge as sponsors to the program is very exciting. The generous donation of promotion and complimentary subscriptions to the ‘premier’ gear and guitar instruction magazines shows their dedication to spreading the joy of music."


"We all commend the work of the Traveling Guitar Program and are happy to help ‘turn up the volume’ on getting its core message out,” states Peter Sprague, CEO of Premier Guitar. “Improving access to music-related programming is extremely important to us and we will gladly use the reach of our print and electronic platforms to raise awareness and support for such a noble endeavor.”


For more information, contact Keith Ballurio at 703-791-2020.


About the Traveling Guitar Program (

Annually, the Traveling Guitar Project sends custom built guitars on a journey from artist to artist, state to state. The guitars are played and signed by guitarists from all music genres. After a year on the road, the guitars are auctioned on eBay with 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to fund music education and programs for those unable to pursue these activities due to limited resources. For more information on the journey and auction of the Traveling Guitars, visit


About Guitar Edge (

The Guitar Edge multimedia network features four integrated platforms; the Guitar Edge Web site (; the free Guitar Edge digital magazine (; the Guitar Edge print magazine; and Guitar Xtra, a free weekly E-newsletter. Guitar Edge was first published by Hal Leonard in July/August 2006 as a bimonthly print magazine. Through a joint venture, established in July 2009, between Hal Leonard and Premier Guitar, Guitar Edge has adopted the four-platform multimedia model, pioneered by Premier Guitar. Guitar Edge is the world's first and only online resource for free artist-approved, fully-licensed authentic guitar tab.


About Premier Guitar (

Offering guitarists a multimedia source for news, gear info and education/instruction, Premier Guitar is the media home for players who are serious about their tone. PG's gear‐centric print magazine has a monthly readership of more than 51,000 complemented by its freely accessible digital magazine ( which attracts more than 31,000 monthly visits; a Web site ( that's the fastest-growing portal in the guitar industry with an average of more than 500,000 unique visitors consuming almost 11 million page views per month; and the market's leading interactive gear search service that attracts more than 200,000 monthly visitors. With nearly 50,000 pieces of gear, players can find, buy and sell gear on Gear Search ( Published by Gearhead Communications, LLC, Premier Guitar is employee-owned and based in Mount Vernon , Iowa with offices throughout the U.S.


Additional Contact Information:
Keith Ballurio

Founder of the Traveling Guitar
Manassas , Virginia


Nick Ireland

Marketing Manager for Premier Guitar & Guitar Edge

Marion , Iowa


August 27, 2009



MANASSAS, VA - August 27, 2009 - Being on the road without great strings and accessories is like performing naked, D'Addario, the new sponsor for the Traveling Guitar Project, is ensuring that all Traveling Guitars wear nothing but the best. 

Annually, the Traveling Guitar Project, sends two custom-built guitars on a journey from artist to artist, state to state, collecting stage time and autographs. At the end of their journey, the guitars are auctioned with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support music programs. These guitars will now go on the road dressed in the finest - D'Addario strings and accessories. Keith Ballurio, founder of the Traveling Guitar, said, "We are thrilled with the addition of D'Addario as a sponsor of the Traveling Guitar. The quality of their products and their company commitment to giving back and supporting charitable projects make them a perfect fit for our organization."

Angela Magliocca, D'Addario & Company, Inc. added that, "Making music isn't a hobby. It's a condition. Like eye color, male-pattern baldness, and your penchant for Franklin Mint figurines, music is something you can't help. Making it is part of your genetic code. It's part of ours, too. Over three centuries ago in the Italian village of Salle, a small group of D'Addario's (da-dairy-ohs) sat around trying to figure out how to make musical strings out of sheep guts. Today, their descendants are running the largest musical string company in the world, churning out over 400,000 strings per day, making D'Addario "The First Choice" - and don't even get us started on the other cool music accessories from Planet Waves. All the straps, cables, and other tools you need to be the rock star you always knew you were. D'Addario's donation of strings, straps, tuners, gadgets and gizmos to Ballurio Guitar's Traveling Guitar Project proves D'Addario's appreciation for and commitment to spreading the love of music."

About D'Addario
D'Addario & Company, Inc. ( designs, manufactures, and markets complete lines of strings for fretted and bowed musical instruments, drumheads, drum practice pads, and guitar and woodwind accessories under the proprietary brand names D'Addario, Evans Drumheads, Planet Waves, Rico, HQ Percussion and PureSound Percussion. The company also runs the popular online gear source. D'Addario products are marketed in approximately 120 countries.

About the Traveling Guitar Program
Annually, the Traveling Guitar Project ( sends custom built guitars on a journey from artist to artist, state to state. The guitars are played and signed by guitarists from all music genres. After a year on the road, the guitars are auctioned on eBay with 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to fund music education and programs for those unable to pursue these activities due to limited resources. For more information on the journey and auction of the Traveling Guitars, visit

Contact Information
Keith Ballurio, founder of the Traveling Guitar 
Manassas, Virginia